Operational Hours
Zurich Airport (LSZH) is operational for 24 hours. Please check with the local ground handler or your Trip Support Provider for any restrictions and curfew hours.
Permits and Slots
Slots are required for all operations and have a deviation of +30 minutes and -30 minutes. The flights will not be allowed to land or depart before or after the approved block times. Be aware of the risks associated with slot revisions, as a request for a slot time change close to the time of operation might not be possible and may cause delays.
Non scheduled commercial permit is required for non scheduled operations. Documents like C of A, Insurance Certificate, C of R, along with the application needs to be submitted to CAA Switzerland. The lead time is 3 working days.
Customs and Immigration
Passengers and crew will clear customs, immigration and quarantine at LSZH main terminal. The process might take 10-15 minutes. Please check with the customs prior to each trip regarding Switzerland Visas for crew and passengers because certain nationalities require visas. If visas are required, they should be a Schengen type visa and must be obtained prior to arrival in Switzerland.
Ground Handler
Please provide the aircraft documents, schedule, crew and passenger details to the ground handler, so that there will not be any unexpected delays during departure and arrivals.